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Alicia Eastman

Co-founder and Board Director

InterContinental Energy

Host of “Everything About Hydrogen”

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CBC Co-Chair of Clean Hydrogen Hub (In Charge of Financial & Investor Ecosystem)

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TV Interview

“Hydrogen is neither “a hype”, “nor “a bubble”, the future is NOW!” Alicia Eastman & Adamo Screnci

In our CBC Green Hydrogen Leaders TV with Dii Desert Energy, from the World Hydrogen Summit & Expo 2022 in Rotterdam, we speak to: 

  • Alicia Eastman, President at InterContinental Energy; Co-Chair of CBC Green Hydrogen Hub  

  • Adamo Screnci, Board Member & Director at Hydrogen Refuelling Solutions; Co-Chair of CBC Green Hydrogen Hub  

They both believe that Hydrogen is neither “a hype”, “nor “a bubble” and that it is not a future opportunity, but that the Hydrogen Business happens NOW.

Background information

CleanTech Business Club Leaders united with Hydrogen Leaders in Rotterdam on the occasion of the World Hydrogen Summit & Expo held from 9 to 11 May 2022.

It was actually a historical moment for the Club as we officially launched our CBC Green Hydrogen Hub together with its Co-Chairs:

  • Alicia Eastman, President at InterContinental Energy; Co-Chair of CBC Green Hydrogen Hub

  • Adamo Screnci, Board Member & Director at Hydrogen Refuelling Solutions; Co-Chair of CBC Green Hydrogen Hub

The Goal of CBC Green Hydrogen Hub, a “Think-do-tank” of the sector, is to unite Top Hydrogen Visionaries & Business Leaders with the CBC Leaders and their Trusted Partners (such as Dii Desert Energy), and to streamline jointly their visions, ideas, roadmaps, financial & business models in order to draft/ shape the whole global hydrogen system/network and to Drive #GreenHydrogen Economy Together.

We believe that #GreenHydrogen as the “ultimate hydrogen” will be an important part of the World’s Paradigm transformation during the CleanTech Decade and we want that this transformation happens in line with CBC #Declaration2030, CBC #TogetherWeAreStrogner Spirit & CBC LifeStyle = Business + Meaningfulness + Joy.

Here is a short “bullet points” summary of our discussions:

  • Hydrogen is neither “a hype” nor “a bubble”

  • Hydrogen Business is not a future, it is NOW! Let's Make it Green, as the ultimate goal is #GreenHydrogen

  • Hydrogen Leaders seek to cooperate with CleanTech Leaders and they also cherish our values: CBC #TogetherWeAreStrogner Spirit & CBC LifeStyle = Business + Meaningfulness + Joy

  • Many Hydrogen Visions need to be streamlined into a Joint Global Vision and Action Plan

  • Joint Global “Think-do-thank” that unites Top Visionaries & Business Leaders from both Hydrogen & CleanTech Sectors is needed, and here comes our CBC Green Hydrogen Hub

Last but not least, we are sooooooo happy that we initiated CBC Green Hydrogen Hub and we believe that “Hydrogen and Clean Technologies are The Best Friends Forever!” and that #TogetherWeAreStrogner

See the Report from the event, Interviews & Photo Gallery by clicking here
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